As it were swiftly fading away he tried making sense of the disfigured shards of the coloured glass. The heat from the flush was fusing everything in its path with itself. The transition was smooth and effortless like a nimble ballerina performing her art. The flush, the result of the eruption, was a magnificent display of the steamrolling disposition held by none other than the otherwise benign Nature.
The defenselessness in the face of it all was rip-roaringly enlightening. The end in sight and in a form desired by one and all. Death by natural causes. "Natural" was never specified, was it?
Then it struck. No, not the blazing flow but a becoming thought among the wavering hopes. He had never asked for slavish submission to His will. Slim as it were but possible still. He had jokingly mentioned once that He'd send a flood again even though knowing full well that intended lessons were never learnt from the first one.
*He could see His face with the mocking smile smeared all across it. The proportions were far too grand this time around and as warm as were the anger behind it. He valued a faceless façade more than an ugly one. One crowded by tasteless mortals with a dull sense of humour and a terrible quality of constant putrefaction was hard to bear. No salvaging Noah were born to this age. It were aimed at a thorough immaculate demolishment.
The slim chances had fleeted when the thoughts were still taking form.
The ring-bearer had met its end.
The defenselessness in the face of it all was rip-roaringly enlightening. The end in sight and in a form desired by one and all. Death by natural causes. "Natural" was never specified, was it?
Then it struck. No, not the blazing flow but a becoming thought among the wavering hopes. He had never asked for slavish submission to His will. Slim as it were but possible still. He had jokingly mentioned once that He'd send a flood again even though knowing full well that intended lessons were never learnt from the first one.

*He could see His face with the mocking smile smeared all across it. The proportions were far too grand this time around and as warm as were the anger behind it. He valued a faceless façade more than an ugly one. One crowded by tasteless mortals with a dull sense of humour and a terrible quality of constant putrefaction was hard to bear. No salvaging Noah were born to this age. It were aimed at a thorough immaculate demolishment.
The slim chances had fleeted when the thoughts were still taking form.
The ring-bearer had met its end.